Introduction to Past Life Regression (PLR)

Past Life Regression is not a modern concept. It has been accepted as Universal truth through various ancient texts like Bhagwad Gita, Prati-Prasav (Patanjali), Jati-Smaran (Jain scriptures), Greek and Egyptian mystery schools. Lord Buddha is said to have recounted 649 past lives of his own and these are narrated as Jataka Tales. Inspite of its ancient history PLR, is a continuously evolving field with a wide range of techniques that have been evolving in the modern age. Dr Brian Weiss, Edgar Cayce, Dr Newton and many more have further strengthened the theory through their extensive research.

Fundamentals of PLR

Past Life Regression is based on the following theories:

  • Reincarnation
  • Karma
  • Time
  • GOD


Taoism 3rd century BC Chuang Tzu states -

"Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. There is existence without limitation; there is continuity without a starting-point. Existence without limitation is Space. Continuity without a starting point is Time. There is birth, there is death, there is issuing forth, there is entering in."

Reincarnation is the belief that a soul is born multiple times into new bodies or life forms. The soul travels on an eternal path living in one body for a time, dying, and then entering a new body to live again.


Karma literally means 'action' but it also refers to the process of cause and effect whereby positive actions result in happiness and negative, harmful actions lead to suffering. The real message of the teachings on karma is responsibility.

To serve out karma from previous lives and thus eventually reach a state of perfect enlightenment where additional human lives are no longer necessary.

Sogyal Rinpoche says:

Karma, then, is not fatalistic or predetermined. Karma means our ability to create and to change. It is creative because we can determine how and why we act. We can change.


Time is a concept referring to the perceived flow of actions and events from the past to future, or to its measurement. In Physics it is also referred to as "the fourth dimension" of a space-time continuum.

According to Kabbalists, “time” is a paradox and an illusion.Both the future and the past are recognized to be combined and simultaneously present.


Reason alone cannot prove the existence of God. Faith is reason plus revelation, and the revelation part requires one to think with the spirit as well as with the mind. You have to hear the music, not just read the notes on the page.

Francis Collins,

What I see in nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of ‘humility.’ This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism. . . . My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. . . . I want to know how God created this world. I want to know his thoughts, the rest are details.

Albert Einstein, as quoted by Timothy Ferris, in his article “The Other Einstein”, Awake! magazine, (22 January 1992)

Benefits of PLR Therapy

  • To gain understanding and alignment with life purpose.
  • Experience the transitional state of death and beyond.
  • Releasing fears and anxieties related to past life traumas.
  • To see personal relationships in new light. Read Akashic records.
  • Finding prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones, bringing a great sense of reassurance that we are in deed never parted from those we love.
  • Re-experiencing a happy, successful lifetime; this can bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, fortifying us to work through our temporary difficulties
  • Accessing strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present.
  • Information leads to profound inner transformation.
  • Break free from repeated patterns and bring greater success in life.

Case Studies of PLR

Please go through some interesting case studies of individuals who took the PLR therapy. It will help you gain a deeper insight of the benefits.