Here are the most common questions asked while appointments. They will answer most of the common queries.

How is it possible to recollect or see our past life?

Everything that we experience is recorded in our psyche exactly as we experience it. Every experience contains our thoughts, our perceptions, our beliefs our feelings, and our emotions. When we recall an experience the psyche plays back the experience exactly as it was recorded including thoughts, perception, belief, feelings and emotions.

How does the regression session help?

The benefits of regression therapy extend far beyond the alleviation of symptoms. Healing often results on all levels of our being, including the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual.

How far does a single session reach?

Future is dynamic and the lessons / insights gained are the beacon of light to take you through any of the life’s situations. You are thus  equipped with a newer perspective and a humbler experience. The process is continuous and it keeps on working for up to 6 months. After the session the unfolding in waking consciousness also helps to assimilate the insights in complete depth. This positive impact allows you to build your future with a high degree of awareness.

Will I be able to see?

It is always better to come with no expectations to the PLR session. It allows the mind to be relaxed. Calming the mind with meditation is also recommended a day or days before the session. Goodnight sleep allows you to stay awake during the session 🙂