Puneeta, New Delhi (India)

Seeking: Sense of connect from her Spiritual Master whom she never met in this lifetime.


(in clients own words)

“When the sages were leaving, that was the moment of that lifetime when everything changed for me. The senior one of them, who hardly spoke – turned around and looked back at me, smiling and as if blessing me in some way. It was the moment when during the regression – lots of light shone on us and I could see only golden light around me, coming from those beautiful eyes. It was, as if God had touched me through my Master. I still cannot forget that expression and those eyes- cause they were full of love and compassion."

Result: She connected to the Master; receives his grace thru his eyes. She is now able to connect with her spiritual Master just by recalling His eyes and the grace flows to her even now. She feels very blessed and content.

Anshu Daga, Sydney (Australia)

Seeking: She wanted to see the nurturing she received from her Spiritual Guru in the past and receive the inspiration to carry on with her spiritual practices in this lifetime.

Therapy: Year 1300 in Egypt.

The priest is speaking, whom he recognizes as his Spiritual Teacher from this lifetime. He has got big eyes and is very tall. He is wearing a headgear. He was instructing him how to do the last rites of his relative who had just passed over. There were 2-3 senior disciples whom he recognizes from this lifetime and 3 were on either side of the Him.

At age 60, now he has got hi-fever. The priest arrives and keeps his hand on the head and chants something. There’s a white cloth on his head. Master had come to bless him. He just passes over peacefully.


He asks for forgiveness from his life partner, a pattern which he was carrying in this lifetime too. He then asks the Master to help in-still this lesson in his consciousness. When the master blessed him, his consciousness expanded and he saw the universe.


Seeking: She had repeatedly tried PLR sessions before and yet had failed to come up with the purpose of her life and receive a direction.

Therapy: Around 120 years from now, in the year 2135, she saw a lifetime wherein she was traveling to a lot of places. She saw herself in Kalahari, in a very beautiful civilised place, she also saw herself in China. She was wearing blue clothes. She was able to help people cross over and learn the deeper meaning of who they are and what they are and to experience the inner bliss.

Result: She got the clarity she was searching for. It was a breakthrough to finally make sense of her urge to learn the many modalities that she did. She would be born in the future with whatever she would have to share with people.