
"To love is to open your being to the highest possibility that is God.

And we love so that the other may know that they too are the same God within. That it is the potency of love to transform everything around into gold."

Kanchan R Sagane

Kanchan R Sagane is a Past Life Regression Therapist.

She is also a Fashion Designer, a Pranic Healer and an Arhatic Yogi.

She was born and bought up in a Hindu family where the concepts of theosophy & astrology were her grandfather's favourite themes for the books that he wrote. (Raosahib. M.D.Sagane. IAS. 1891 - 1955) Under his devotional and spiritual books she grew up to love all esoteric subjects.

She formally gained her esoteric understanding and teachings only after she met her Beloved Living Guru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the Founder of Modern Arhatic Yoga and Pranic Healing in 1998. She has been fortunate to spend her many past lives studying and serving under the Great Spiritual Teacher. She dedicates all her work to Him.

Today she works as a PLR Therapist. PLR gives her an opportunity to work and help clients on a substantially deep levels to create a much needed shift in their consciousness and life.

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